Northway Infant School

Northway Infant School

Where Children Shine

Virginia Road, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire GL20 8PT

01684 293447

Year 2 Turquoise Class

Year 2 Turquoise Class


Miss Louise Partridge

Turquoise Class Teacher













Miss Louise Stocks

Year 2 HLTA

First Aid










Miss Ann Inns

Class TA

First Aider

Outdoor Learning











Hello! I am Miss Partridge and this will be my first year at Northway and I am so excited to be working in a school where the children really can shine! I enjoy helping children to grow into the wonderful, kind and amazing people that they are.


In my spare time I love to paint and have cuddles with my cat Jaffa! 







I am Miss Stocks and I love working at Northway. I am a HLTA and a first aider at school and I love helping children to learn more!

In my spare time, I love walking my dog Willow!






I'm Miss Inns and I'm a T.A  and I absolutely love it!

I've been at Northway Infant now for a few years and really enjoy supporting the children's learning in the classrooms and outdoors.

I sometimes run a gardening club called The Busy Bees and we have lots of fun sowing seeds, planting bulbs and learning about nature.

A smile goes a long way and I make it my priority to help keep the children smiling!



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