Northway Infant School

Northway Infant School

Where Children Shine

Virginia Road, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire GL20 8PT

01684 293447

British Values


In our school, Democracy underpins everything we do. We capture in various forms the children's interests and opinions through children based questionnaires and use this information to craft the curriculum and opportunities the children are presented with. We advocate open debate and discussions in all classes. 

Children are presented with a variety of opportunities to vote for things such as their favourite 5 books to read,  the film they wish to watch at Film Night or who their school council representatives are. 

The Rule of Law

Pupils are taught the values and reasons behind rules we have in school and our SHINE. Visits from the local authorities - PSCO, Fire service are part of our PSHE curriculum and help reinforce messages about the rule of law. 

Through school assemblies, PSHE sessions and our approach to restorative practice, the importance of following guidelines, rules and laws are reinforced consistently. 

Individual Liberty

Within school, we actively encourage children to make choices in a supportive and safe environment. Pupils are taught about boundaries and making choices which they feel is right for them. 

Children are educated on their right to feel safe, which links to the RSHE curriculum and online safety lessons for example.

Children participate in extra-curricular activities and opportunities and are given the freedom to make their own choices about what they wish to participate in. 

Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs. 

Part of our behaviour approach in school focuses on being 'respectful' and is one of the key words used with the children. Pupils take part in discussions and assemblies related to what respect means and how this is shown e.g. through the Relationships theme we have in our JIGSAW PSHE themes. 

Respect is a golden thread, for adults, parents and children alike and is a strength of our school. 

Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs is achieved through our diverse curriculum - where aspects such as anti-bullying, religion and diversity are experienced. 

Members of different faiths or religions are encouraged to share their own personal experiences and we have visitors from different faith groups come and visit the children. All learning is supported by our comprehensive RE and PSHE curriculum. 


Across the curriculum, British Values are underpinned in each subject taught and are shown on each subject's intent documentation. 

Click on this link to find out more about this for each subject. 

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