Northway Infant School

Northway Infant School

Where Children Shine

Virginia Road, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire GL20 8PT

01684 293447

Turquoise Class

Turquoise Class


We have been learning to play the recorder in music and have learnt to play the notes A, B, and G. We have learnt to play the songs Busy Beez, Dooby Doo, Glory B, The Old Chuckwagon, Djembe Jam, Pineapple Samba, Falling Leaves, Sleepless Night and will perform some of these in a recorder concert. 

Move More Feet First Dance Festival

We performed a dance to the song Whizz Pop Whizz Bang from the BFG for our dance. We were all amazing performers and danced so well. Parents loved watching and we had so much fun going to Cheltenham Town Hall to perform. 


In RE we have been learning about Muslims. We were lucky enough to visit a Mosque and have a go at washing our heads, faces, hands, feet, arms and legs like Muslims do before praying. We learnt about the five Pillars and the Quran. We enjoyed trying on different clothes and being called to the Prayer room. It was very beautiful.  

We learnt about the story of Christmas and visited our local church. We have made advent wreaths, angel decorations for our chosen loved one and written letters to Santa and posted them in our magic postbox!

Our Guide Dog Fern!

Turquoise are Sponsoring a guide dog puppy called Fern! She was born on 5th May 2023. She is enjoying life with her Puppy Raiser Paul and loves to play with her toys! Fern loves a puzzle and never gives up when trying to get treats out of her Kong toy. Her Mum is called Sylvia and her Dad is called Hartmann and they were both Yellow Labradors just like Fern! Her favourite things to do are have afternoon naps in the sun, play with her other doggy friends, meeting new people and learning all of her amazing new skills which will help her to become the amazing guide dog she is! Fern can now sit and stay and is working on her recall and dog distraction. Good luck Fern, you will change lives!

Guide Dog Visit

In Turquoise we are sponsoring a Guide Dog called Fern! We had a school visit from a Guide Dog volunteer called Liz who had her ambassador dog Rupert with her! Rupert is a Labrador crossed with a Golden Retriever. He was so gentle and all the children loved him. We asked some brilliant questions and found out some interesting facts! We all gave Rupert a friendly stroke which he enjoyed! Take a look at some pictures of Rupert below!!


This term our topic has been ‘From the Oceans to the Moon’ we have started in the oceans and our core texts in English have been the wonderful books by author Benji Davies-The Storm Whale and The Storm Whale in Winter and the non-fiction text The Big Blue Whale by Nicola Davies. We have written diary entries, Acrostic Storm and Whale poems,  non-chronological reports on Humpback whales plus our chosen creature from our incredible trip to the Sea Life Center in Birmingham, and created story maps to help us write our own stories. 

Sea Life Trip!

This term we were lucky enough to enjoy a day  exploring  and discovering a whole host of wonderful sea creatures. We were particularly fascinated by the Gentoo penguins, stingrays, jellyfish, turtles, sharks and seahorses. We got to touch a starfish and walk through a tunnel that made us feel like we were actually in the ocean. We were even able to watch the Sharks have their dinner! What a fantastic day we had!


This term we have been busy carrying out fieldwork in our local environment and thinking about our value this term ‘Responsibility’. We carried out a survey to find out what litter was spoiling our local area and kept a tally of the types of rubbish found. We then decided to create some posters to try to persuade people to be more responsible. Next, we wrote a letter to the local council to ask if we could borrow some grabbers, so we could safely go litter picking. We were quite surprised at some of the items we collected! We are proud that we have helped be responsible for our local area!

Design and Technology 

Our topic this term is based around ‘Mechanisms’. First, we explored a range of objects to find out how they moved. Then we discovered how to make linkages using split pins to make the pivot points. Then after testing these out we set about designing our sea creatures and thinking how it will move. In addition, we learned about winders and sliders to add to our ‘Under the Sea Aquariums’. We were lucky enough to have our parents or grandparents come in and help us make our amazing aquariums, it was lots of fun.

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