Northway Infant School

Northway Infant School

Where Children Shine

Virginia Road, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire GL20 8PT

01684 293447

Useful Information

Cool Milk  

School milk is excellent as a mid-morning drink. It provides a nutritional boost and keeps children hydrated between breakfast and lunch, helping them to concentrate and learn. Follow the link below to see the five reasons to fuel children's potential!  .

You can view  fun activities to share with your child click on the link below to find out more.

If your child is under 5 years they are entitled to receive a free 189ml portion of milk each day.

 Once your child is over 5, you may register with Cool Milk for subsidised milk.

Milk usually costs around just £15 a term. By registering online, you’ll be able to make a payment straightaway. If however, you return a registration form by post we will send you a payment request.

If your payment is received by a Tuesday, your child will receive milk the following week.

Please visit to access free or subsidised milk for your child or contact Cool Milk direct on 01522 705725.


Parent View — Please complete this annual survey

The school values the views of parents. These are of great importance to the schools own self evaluation and also for the external evaluation of the school by Ofsted inspectors and will help to inform their judgements in the event of an inspection. As our school has not been inspected for a number of years it is likely that we will have an inspection in the  near future. Therefore, we would appreciate it if you could take the time to complete the on-line survey used by Ofsted, using the following address (this survey is quite short and should take no more than about 10 minutes to complete).

Please use this link..

Parent View jigsaw


The school values your opinions and the results of the Parent View survey will be continually monitored by the Governing Body to inform further improvements and will also help other parents when choosing a school for their child, as these results can be seen on line, when enough parents have contributed. Thank you for your support.

 Information for Parents/Carers

 Carers Gloucestershire - a better life for Carers -

Family Information Service

(FIS) advisors give impartial information on childcare, finances, parenting and education. They  support families, children and young people aged 0- 19 years of age (25 for young people with additional needs) and professionals working with these families.

Search their website - for information on the following:

  • Finding and choosing childcare. 
  • Becoming a childminder.
  • Financial matters -  family finances, benefits you may be entitled to, financial help when bringing up children, help with childcare costs etc.
  • Parenting support for mums, dads, lone parents, new parents and parents to be.
  • Activities in Gloucestershire including information on support for children with additional needs.
  • Education - changing or starting school

Copies of their monthly news letters are available on the Parent's noticeboard in school.

Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOPs)

Helping your child to stay safe online is just as important as keeping them safe when you are out and about or at home. 

Please click here for access to the talks delivered to Parents/Carers.

If you are concerned that your child has seen something that you feel is inappropriate using the internet contact CEOP.

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